A R C H I T E C T U R A L  F O R U M 

© 1996 Poetry and Sketching by Kiran Keswani - Glucksburg, Germany

Stepping up and stepping down
From one gallery to another.
The pyramid in front of the buildings.
The long queue to the entrance.
The glass pyramid
Not so interesting on the outside.
Only glass panes visible
In front of the carved stone facades.
As soon as one stepped in
Glowing light.
The support for the glass, interesting detail.
The escalator down to the lounge.
Space and movement
Space and people.
Happy faces, happy light.
The silent, grim faces behind the information counter
Why so grim, in this happy light?
Folders about the Louvre
In many languages.
In English, the red folder.
Turning around from counter
Large spaces, volumes
From thereon, passages, less bright
To the galleries.
The egyptian section, little light.
Stepping up and stepping down
From one gallery to another
As in a secret cave
Leading to the dead end.
The Mona Lisa
Signboards leading the way to Mona Lisa.
In a large hall, with many other paintings
The Mona Lisa inside reflective glass.
With people around it taking photographs.
The broad stone benches
In the rear courtyard
To lie down
After the walk through the museum
To rest, to wait, to think.
Space and movement
Space and people.
The silent, grim faces behind the information counter
Why so grim, in this happy light?
In the rear courtyard
To rest, to wait, to think.

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San Francisco, California - USA